ExecCmd question
(too old to reply)
Inverted Prophecy
2003-10-13 09:10:27 UTC
Hello all,

I have a problem at our company with a very old graphics application
(we made it ourselves) which displays its images by using a Reflexion
Based Script (which uses VB statements). This script contains the
following line to display the graphics

ExecCmd ("C:\<path_goes_here>\GRIP010.EXE")

Since this application is DOS-based, and crashes when switching
between applications using the Alt-Tab combination, I would like to
start this application using its adapted PIF file, and see if that
changes anything. The new oline should go like

ExecCmd ("start C:\<path_goes_here>\GRIP010.PIF")

See e.g. Q101708. However, this doesn't work at all. No image is
displayed. Since I'm totally new to the ExecCmd command (to VB itself
actually), I thought you people could give a hint as to what I'm doing
wrong. Is this parameter even legal?

Browsing the Web provided me with huge listings of code, which is not
quite what I was looking for. My apologies if this is the wrong
newsgroup to post my message to.

Any hints or pointers are welcome!

Kind regards,

Casper van Eersel.
Derek Ross
2003-10-13 20:37:33 UTC
Post by Inverted Prophecy
Hello all,
I have a problem at our company with a very old graphics application
(we made it ourselves) which displays its images by using a Reflexion
Based Script (which uses VB statements). This script contains the
following line to display the graphics
ExecCmd ("C:\<path_goes_here>\GRIP010.EXE")
Since this application is DOS-based, and crashes when switching
between applications using the Alt-Tab combination, I would like to
start this application using its adapted PIF file, and see if that
changes anything. The new oline should go like
ExecCmd ("start C:\<path_goes_here>\GRIP010.PIF")
See e.g. Q101708. However, this doesn't work at all. No image is
displayed. Since I'm totally new to the ExecCmd command (to VB itself
actually), I thought you people could give a hint as to what I'm doing
wrong. Is this parameter even legal?
Start is an internal command of CMD.EXE under NT. This means that
your line should look something like

ExecCmd ("c:\WINNT\CMD.exe /c start /wait

for an NT based system. Under non-NT versions of Windows, start is an
external command, so you probably need to give its entire path
something like

ExecCmd ("c:\Windows\start.exe /wait

I don't know if either of these will work but they're worth a try.


Carl Frisk
2003-10-31 05:27:27 UTC
Just curious if you mean WRQ's Reflection RCL script. Are you doing
terminal emulation? RCL is not VB.
... Carl Frisk
Post by Inverted Prophecy
Hello all,
I have a problem at our company with a very old graphics application
(we made it ourselves) which displays its images by using a Reflexion
Based Script (which uses VB statements). This script contains the
following line to display the graphics
ExecCmd ("C:\<path_goes_here>\GRIP010.EXE")
Since this application is DOS-based, and crashes when switching
between applications using the Alt-Tab combination, I would like to
start this application using its adapted PIF file, and see if that
changes anything. The new oline should go like
ExecCmd ("start C:\<path_goes_here>\GRIP010.PIF")
See e.g. Q101708. However, this doesn't work at all. No image is
displayed. Since I'm totally new to the ExecCmd command (to VB itself
actually), I thought you people could give a hint as to what I'm doing
wrong. Is this parameter even legal?
Browsing the Web provided me with huge listings of code, which is not
quite what I was looking for. My apologies if this is the wrong
newsgroup to post my message to.
Any hints or pointers are welcome!
Kind regards,
Casper van Eersel.
Chuck Reed
2003-11-23 20:27:31 UTC
Can you not simply use the vba.shell command to run the program?

vba.shell "C:\<path_goes_here>\GRIP010.EXE", vbMaximizedFocus
Post by Carl Frisk
Just curious if you mean WRQ's Reflection RCL script. Are you doing
terminal emulation? RCL is not VB.
... Carl Frisk
Post by Inverted Prophecy
Hello all,
I have a problem at our company with a very old graphics application
(we made it ourselves) which displays its images by using a Reflexion
Based Script (which uses VB statements). This script contains the
following line to display the graphics
ExecCmd ("C:\<path_goes_here>\GRIP010.EXE")
Since this application is DOS-based, and crashes when switching
between applications using the Alt-Tab combination, I would like to
start this application using its adapted PIF file, and see if that
changes anything. The new oline should go like
ExecCmd ("start C:\<path_goes_here>\GRIP010.PIF")
See e.g. Q101708. However, this doesn't work at all. No image is
displayed. Since I'm totally new to the ExecCmd command (to VB itself
actually), I thought you people could give a hint as to what I'm doing
wrong. Is this parameter even legal?
Browsing the Web provided me with huge listings of code, which is not
quite what I was looking for. My apologies if this is the wrong
newsgroup to post my message to.
Any hints or pointers are welcome!
Kind regards,
Casper van Eersel.