Rename using wildcards
(too old to reply)
2007-02-28 14:41:14 UTC
I have a group of files in a folder named File0001, File0002, ..., File0150,
with two files per name (two different extensions). I want to rename all
files with an underscore before the number (File_0001, File_0002, ...,
File_0150). I tried:

rename File*.* File_*.*

The files were renamed to File_001, File_002, ..., File_150; it dropped one
of the leading zeros, wheras I wanted all digits retained. I also tried
replacing the first asterisk with four questions marks (rename File????.*
File_????.*); same result.

Can anyone tell me how to achieve the desired renaming?
Ethan Winer
2007-02-28 15:21:13 UTC
Can anyone tell me how to achieve the desired renaming? <
See this:

2007-02-28 16:00:12 UTC
Thanks Ethan. It did the job.
Post by Ethan Winer
Can anyone tell me how to achieve the desired renaming? <
Hardik Kiljee
2008-08-11 12:30:00 UTC
Post by hmm
I have a group of files in a folder named File0001, File0002, ..., File0150,
with two files per name (two different extensions). I want to rename all
files with an underscore before the number (File_0001, File_0002, ...,
rename File*.* File_*.*
The files were renamed to File_001, File_002, ..., File_150; it dropped one
of the leading zeros, wheras I wanted all digits retained. I also tried
replacing the first asterisk with four questions marks (rename File????.*
File_????.*); same result.
Can anyone tell me how to achieve the desired renaming?
Hardik Kiljee
2008-08-11 12:31:01 UTC
Pls Test It?
May be helpful to u
ren *.* FILE_????.*
