derek, thanks for the detail'd help,
I play'd around more with this, and tho the scale/width/height thing
makes sence, i still could'n understand why even if i got rid of the
scroll bars TOTALY off the form then just make a command button with a
wee + 1 to move the pics 'left' to test only, i still got the picboxes
overlaping each other and not side by side, so I took the code that
sets out the picture boxes on the array sub and sorta inbeded it like
this into the HScroll1 sub
SUB HScroll1_Change ()
FOR k% = 0 TO drvMedia.listcount - 1
picDrives(k%).Left = (k%) * 9 + 1 + (HScroll1.Value / 100) * Width
the ' (k%) * 9 + 1 ) ' part made the pictures stay side by side as
they moved(with a space between them), tho im still not sure y i dont
need this also in the VScroll1 heehhee newbes eh?, well it works now
thanks to you,
Post by Derek RossPost by BIAFSUB VScroll1_Change ()
FOR j% = 0 To 3
picBoxes(j%).top = (VScroll1.Value / 100) * ScaleWidth
But when I try to recreate this sub for the 'HScroll1' (left to
right/right to left)
FOR k% = 0 TO 3
picBoxes(k%).Left = (HScroll1.Value / 100) * ScaleWidth
What happons above is, when i click on the HScroll on form, it does
move the boxes the way i want (left to right/right to left) but this
time they are all on top of each other. I cant understand how the
first sub (VScroll1) can move them up n down fine and keep them all
side by side but then when i try it with the HScroll sub, it makes the
picboxes over lap each other but still move fine!,
The problem is that ScaleWidth is not a VBDOS form property. So VBDOS
treats ScaleWidth as a variable with value zero. This doesn't matter
for your VScroll routine since it was really the ScaleHeight that you
should have been using (except that VBDOS forms don't have
.ScaleHeight, they just have .Height) but it does matter for your
HScroll routine. The property you want is .Width not .ScaleWidth.
Either that or you will have to set the variables ScaleHeight and
ScaleWidth to have the appropriate sizes for the form before you use