Get a free copy of VBDOS Profesional Edition
(too old to reply)
2004-04-21 20:09:43 UTC
Hi fellows,

Many of you requests a free copy of VBDOS, and that's pretty annoing.
All question are something like "Where to get VBDOS", "Need VBDOS!"
and so forth.

Try this page: http://www.dossolutions.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/vbdos.htm

That should end those questions.

(Sorry for my bad english, i'm a Dane)
2004-04-21 20:46:01 UTC
Post by Hvalrossen
Hi fellows,
Many of you requests a free copy of VBDOS, and that's pretty annoing.
All question are something like "Where to get VBDOS", "Need VBDOS!"
and so forth.
Try this page: http://www.dossolutions.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/vbdos.htm
That should end those questions.
(Sorry for my bad english, i'm a Dane)
should report messages like this to ***@Microsoft.com ( sorry for my
english, i'm a rat)

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2004-05-05 16:56:05 UTC
Post by iasm
Post by Hvalrossen
Hi fellows,
Many of you requests a free copy of VBDOS, and that's pretty annoing.
All question are something like "Where to get VBDOS", "Need VBDOS!"
and so forth.
Try this page: http://www.dossolutions.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/vbdos.htm
That should end those questions.
english, i'm a rat)
If you did report it to Microsoft, what good would that do? Microsoft
won't earn another cent on that program, and people all over the world
would like a copy of VBDOS. Now they can get it. Microsoft doesn't
loose any money because of VBDOS.
